En route to the Ramlila Maidan, we cross the Embassy Road. After passing by the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, I see a DTC bus heading in the direction opposite to us. In the crowd it holds; a man sitting by the window stands out because of his tiranga colored face. For me, his is the first face resonating The Revolution happening a few kilometers away. The music of revolution is the faintest here. As we head towards the Maidan the music blares louder, both- metaphorically and literally.
I go to the Maidan as a translator to a German journalist. While on the way, I think to myself, ‘Am I for it or against it?’ For everything that we do in life, we have to deal with three kinds of opinions- encouraging, discouraging, naysayers/neutral/always pessimistic. Who am I?
As I mull over the thought, I look out of the window to see Sonia Gandhi’s house-cum- United Progressive Alliance (UPA) headquarters and people conducting dharna outside of it. Some people say that Sonia Gandhi has studied up to fifth class only. She supposedly wrote a letter signed by 340 MPs to former President Kalam, for Prime Ministership. Being born in Italy, she can’t become a PM in India.
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Photograph by Saad Akhtar |
As we go past her house, I decide that I am going to see everything in black and white today. For me, History is always captured in Black and White film. Also, the environment around the Ramlila Maidan looks like photographs straight out of a museum collection. SNAP! One photo captured in my memory.
Almost about 50% people in the masses turn up because they want to be a part of the history. They think that history is being created on the stage where Anna is seated. How naïve! I am sure that the other 50% are aware that their presence at Ramlila Maidan makes a vital part of the history.
On reaching the Maidan, we weave through the crowd. I am relieved because no man has touched me inappropriately. I manage to reach the left side of the stage, because I am with the German journalist. He holds the PRESS card.
I see a larger-than-life poster of Mahatma Gandhi in the backdrop and Anna sitting in the foreground. I try not to read too much into the facial similarity of both. I am distracted by a kid who is enlightening me on whom to interview. ‘Arre, Arvind (Kejriwal) se baat kar na!’ Behind us are several crews with cameras pointing at a certain gentleman. ‘India News?’ I go mentally. ‘Never heard of them’. The kid runs into the jhoond of camera people and runs back, ‘Woh Asif Mohammed* hai.’ Thank you kiddo.
People gather in more numbers by every minute. We want to stop corruption. First we will struggle to get a Bill passed. Then in the long run, we will struggle to implement it. For the moment, I see a lot of struggle on the stage done by Team Anna. They are engaging the audience- emotionally and politically. They keep talking and updating people on the latest happenings. “Abhi Abhi khabar aayi hai ki Pradhan Mantriji ke Guwahati sadan ke saamne dharna rakha gaya hai.” Kiran Bedi waves Tiranga periodically. On my left is a special entrance for people who are allowed to go on the stage. An old man is urging the security to let him meet Anna. Not many people are permitted to meet him. I ask a volunteer the reason. ‘Infection ho jayega Anna ko.’ Hmm… I wonder how. A Priest sidelines the old man and whizzes towards the stage to meet Anna. The old man soon follows suit.
In the twilight, I happen to look at the crowd. Waving flags, singing Vande Mataram and Allah Tero Naam, simultaneously, Muslim men are offering the Isha Namaaz in front of the stage facing the crowd. Powerful. (SNAP!) Large amounts of water and juice glasses are distributed in the crowd because the Roza is terminated for the day. I want to drink the juice. It looks delicious. Since the man who is distributing is not offering me, I let it go. I feel too embarrassed to ask for it. I resolve to drink a lot of juice after reaching home.
Jan Lokpal Bill in the physical venue of Ramlila Maidan takes on a more intense meaning. Some people present here do not know what it really means. We, at the Maidan, have finally got a chance to be good people. Genuinely good human beings. We have come together for a good cause. We (the men) behave well with women. We (the men) don’t molest them. In fact, we (the men) can be good friends with women. I am saying this because I am leaning too close to a cameraman to ask him something. Had we been elsewhere, people would have thought we are snogging. But not here, not in the Maidan.
Here, we want to believe in good. We want to believe that good will come out of the struggle. We want to love and we want to show the love. We want to support the man who has not eaten for days and he looks extremely ill…
1. Chief Justice of India or Judge of Supreme Court
2. Any person (other than a judicial member)nominated by a Central Government member, who is a person of impeccable integrity, outstanding ability, having special knowledge and expertise of not less than 25 years in the matters relating to anti-corruption policy, public administration, vigilance, finance including insurance and banking, law and management. Similar people may also be a part of the Search Committee. Search Committee may* be established to appoint members of Lokpal Committee.
3. MPs and MLAs who have resigned from their original office4. All of the following are appointed by the President as members for Lokpal:
4a. Prime Minister
4b. Speaker of Lok Sabha
4c. Leader of Opposition in the Council of States
4d. Union Cabinet Minister recommended by the Prime Minister
4e. Sitting Judge of Supreme Court recommended by Chief Justice of India
4f. An eminent jurist to be nominated by the Central Government
1. Investigation Officer shall conduct investigation of any offence alleged to have been committed by a public servant punishable under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988*.
2. The investigation officer shall assume the role of the Police in an investigation.
Inquiries can be made against:
1. Prime Minister, after he no longer holds the position of Prime Minister
2. Any Minister of Union
3. Any Member of Parliament (Exception: No inquiries shall be made in matters involving verbal allegations of corruption in the Parliament session or otherwise- protection provided under Clause (2) Article 105 of Constitution*)
4. Any Group A officer*5. Director/Manager/Secretary/Officer of every other Society/Trust, partially or wholly aided by Government or receiving donation from the public
6. Any person serving in connection with the affairs of the State (no action can be taken without the consent of the State Government)
1. The Lokpal, on receipt of a complaint, may either make preliminary inquiry or direct the same to the Investigation Wing.
2. Every preliminary inquiry or investigation should ordinarily be completed within 30 days from the date of complaint. A period of 3 months would be given to create a written document of the same.
3. A Prima Facie case is made against the Public Servant in question and he is given the chance to speak in defense. (…provided that no such order* shall be passed without giving such officer or employee of the Lokpal or officer or employee of agency engaged or associated, a reasonable opportunity of being heard.)
4. If the Investigating Authority finds out that no Prima Facie case is made out after preliminary inquiries and after hearing out the Public Servant, the complaint is closed.5. In situations, where Prima Facie case is made out, it will be open to Public (knowledge). Only in exceptional cases, the proceedings will be captured on camera.
6. In cases where preliminary inquiry is made out, the case should be submitted for scrutinization to the Lokpal, before a charge sheet is filed.
7. In case, the Lokpal proceeds to inquire into the complaint, the inquiry is held as expeditiously as possible and it is completed within a period of six months from the date of receipt of the complaint. In case of further extension of six months, the reasons should be recorded in writing.
1. If the Lokpal has reason to believe that any document, which in its opinion, shall be useful for, or relevant to, any investigation or inquiry under this Act, are secreted in any place, it may authorize any officer of the Investigation Wing, to search for and to seize such documents.
2. For the purpose of any inquiry, the Lokpal shall have all the powers of a civil court, under Code of Civil Procedure 1908*
3. The President commands power in hiring and firing Lokpal Committee members. For example: The President may order, remove from the Office the Chairperson or any Member as the case may be-
-Adjudged an insolvent
-Engages during the term of his office, in any paid employment outside the duties of his office; or
-In the opinion of President unfit to continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind and body.
4. There will be no reappointment of Member/Chairperson once removed from Lokpal Committee.COMPLAINTS AGAINST CHAIRPERSON, MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS OF LOKPAL
1. The Lokpal shall not inquire into any complaint made against the Chairperson/Member.
2. Any complaint against the Chairperson or Member shall be made by an application by the party aggrieved, to the President.
3. The President shall, in case there exists a Prima Facie case for bias or corruption, make reference to the Chief Justice of India in such a manner as may be prescribed for inquiring into the complaint against the Chairperson or Member.
4. The President shall decide the action against the Chairperson or Member on the basis if the opinion of the Chief justice of India and in case the President is satisfied, on the basis of the said opinion that the Chairperson or the Member is biased or has indulged in corruption, the President shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the subsection (1) of section 8*, remove such Chairperson or the Member and also order for initiation of prosecution in case of allegation of corruption.
5. Every complaint of allegation or wrongdoing made against any officer or employee or investigation agency under or associated with the Lokpal for offence punishable under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this section.
6. The Lokpal shall complete the inquiry into the complaint or allegation made, within a period of 30 days from the date of its receipt. [The Member/Officer found guilty of charges pressed against him, shall be prosecuted within 15 days of completion of the inquiry.]
7. While making an inquiry into the complaint against any officer or employee of the Lokpal or agency engaged or associated with the Lokpal, if the Lokpal is Prima Facie satisfied on the basis of evidence available that-- Continuance of such officer or employee of the Lokpal is in his post or agency engaged or associated while conducting the inquiry is likely to affect such inquiry adversely or-
- An officer or employee of the Lokpal or agency engaged or associated is likely to destroy or in any way tamper with the evidence or influence witnesses
8. Then, the Lokpal may, by order, suspend such officer or employee of the Lokpal or divest such agency engaged with the Lokpal of all powers and responsibilities thereto before exercised by it.
* May- It is not necessary that a Search Committee would be set up.
*Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988- Applicable when a public servant is found to be accepting bribes, habitually accepting bribes, fraudulently misappropriating any property entrusted to the public servant, pressurizing another public servant under the influence of the bribe, obtaining valuable things by corrupt, illegal means. Maximum punishment of 7 years and minimum punishment for 6 months is levied. Additional fine is also payable by the public servant who has committed the offence. Existence of Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 will not alter any laws made for Military, Naval and Air Force.
*Article 105 of Indian Constitution-Refers to powers/priviledges of Houses of Parliament, its members and committees; i.e. Freedom of speech in Parliament, No member can be held against statements made/vote casted in the Parliament
*Group A Officer- I think they are IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS officers
* No such order- Refer to the same table, in the section, ‘COMPLAINTS AGAINST CHAIRPERSON, MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS OF LOKPAL’
* Code of Civil Procedure 1908- Legal matters pertaining to property are dealt with under this act.
*Subsection (1) of section 8- The Chairperson/Member shall be removed from his office by order of the President on the grounds of misbehavior after the Supreme Court, on reference being made to it:
- By the President- By the President on a petition being signed by at least 100 MPs
- By the President on receipt of a petition made by a citizen of India and where the President is satisfied that the petition should be referred
1. Selection committee for Jan Lokpal:
1a. 5 members who are retired Comptroller and Auditor Generals and from Chief Election Commission
1b. They in turn, will select 5 members from the civil society.
2. Jan Lokpal members:
2a. Lokpal members would be selected by consensus.
2b. Suggestions for Lokpal members would be taken from Directors of IIT, IIM, Editors (media) etc.
2c. On the basis of their recommendations, names of shortlisted candidates would be put up on the website and public feedback on the same will be sought. The entire procedure of selection conducted by the Search Committee will be video recorded and will be available to public knowledge.
2d. Jan Lokpal and Lokayukta (state level Lokpal) will select their own staff and Officers.
3. Lokpal and Lokayukta, each will have 10 members and 1 chairperson.
4. Both- Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta to be funded by the respective governments.
5. Inquiries into public grievances against Lokpal members would be executed within a month (from the date of complaint). Once found guilty, criminal case would be registered (under Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act) and the guilty Lokpal/Lokayukta member would be dismissed from the job.
1. Time bound investigations – Every investigation to be completed within 1 year. If need be, more staff members would be employed for delivering results.
2. During investigations, transfer of the assets belonging to the public servant (in question) should be banned.
1. If found guilty, the public servants would either be dismissed or departmental penalties would be levied.
2. At the time of ongoing trial; the court will assess the loss caused to the Government by the public servant (in question)
3. The assessed loss to be recovered from the assets of the public servant (in question)
1. The trial should be completed within 1 year after the investigation/inquiry has been completed.
2. Lokpal may direct additional courts to be employed to complete the trial on time.
3. Confiscation of Assets: Each bureaucrat, politician and judge to submit their statement of moveable and immoveable assets every year. This will be declared publicly, on the official website. If any asset is found to be owned by a public servant later and undeclared, it will be deemed to be obtained through corruption. After each election, assets declared by each candidate to be verified. If undeclared assets are found, a case will be registered.
1. Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta have the power to punish the public servants held guilty; if its orders are not followed.
2. As per the directives of Jan Lokpal and Lokayukta; every Government department will have to make a ‘Citizens’ Charter’ which will specify roles and responsibilities of every Government official and also the time frame in which the officials are required to complete allotted task. (It seems to overlap with RTI. At this point, either of the two systems need to be demolished- RTI or Jan Lokpal)
3. If the Charter is not followed, then people can complain to the Head of that department who will be designated as the Public Grievance Officer (PGO). Within 30 days, the PGO will redress the complaint.
4. In case of the failure of PGO to perform the duty; the complaint would escalate to the Vigilance Officer of Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta, after which the matter would deem to have a corruption angle to it.
5. The Vigilance Officer would be required to resolve the grievance in 30 days.
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