Money, career, satisfaction, choices, relationships, direction, winning, losing, right, wrong, good, bad, healthy, harmful, thought, action, intention, open, shut, back, forth, day, night, light, dark, men, women, India, America, do, don’t, here, there, I, you, me, we, they, us, have, don’t have, will, can, should, ought, because, if, reflect, retrospect, make, break, now, then, later, further, backward, past, present, future, gain, loss, alone, crowd, change, stagnant, repetitive, original, old, new, average, brilliant, horrible, never, always, be, don’t be, cold, hot, warm, cool, in, out, mom, dad, he, she.
I am a messiah.
I wake up at noon,
Eat, watch TV, hangout.
I discuss novels, ideas, theories, idealism.
I think I am a messiah.
I have a boyfriend, he pampers me.
I hate my family.
I study at my pace, talk about educational loans, expensive studies and in the same breath of global warming, poverty, third world countries.
I think I am their messiah.
It’s all ‘I’, I sound like Indian poets whose poems I like because I understand.
Weary, tired, bored, disturbed but with a missionary zeal, I go on.
Nothing makes sense and still everything does,
We bang into the invisible doors of life.
this is the poem i wrote in june last year. in the light of terror attacks, the after math, new year, recession, its important for me to reflect on many things. its been 2 months since i last wrote any blog. 60 days... and so much since. this is called living in speed, i think. i would like to start from my learning in literature and move on contemporary media issues... it will follow in the next blog
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