Saturday, January 24, 2009

back after 2 months

Money, career, satisfaction, choices, relationships, direction, winning, losing, right, wrong, good, bad, healthy, harmful, thought, action, intention, open, shut, back, forth, day, night, light, dark, men, women, India, America, do, don’t, here, there, I, you, me, we, they, us, have, don’t have, will, can, should, ought, because, if, reflect, retrospect, make, break, now, then, later, further, backward, past, present, future, gain, loss, alone, crowd, change, stagnant, repetitive, original, old, new, average, brilliant, horrible, never, always, be, don’t be, cold, hot, warm, cool, in, out, mom, dad, he, she.


I am a messiah.
I wake up at noon,
Eat, watch TV, hangout.
I discuss novels, ideas, theories, idealism.
I think I am a messiah.
I have a boyfriend, he pampers me.
I hate my family.
I study at my pace, talk about educational loans, expensive studies and in the same breath of global warming, poverty, third world countries.
I think I am their messiah.
It’s all ‘I’, I sound like Indian poets whose poems I like because I understand.
Weary, tired, bored, disturbed but with a missionary zeal, I go on.
Nothing makes sense and still everything does,
We bang into the invisible doors of life.
this is the poem i wrote in june last year. in the light of terror attacks, the after math, new year, recession, its important for me to reflect on many things. its been 2 months since i last wrote any blog. 60 days... and so much since. this is called living in speed, i think. i would like to start from my learning in literature and move on contemporary media issues... it will follow in the next blog

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